What I've been up to lately

Source: Current TV

Launching a new brand for my colleague Val Swisher over at Oak Hill Corporation. Val creates all sorts of content for technical companies such as EMC, Cisco, Paypal, VMware, and Whirlpool, among others. Her firm focuses on the stuff others seem to have forgotten: lowly tech docs, training curriculum and its delivery, and marketing collateral, particularly data sheets and white papers but more recently success-story videos and the like. More recently her company crafted a relationship with acrolinx, maker of the acrolinx IQ suite of software and in that capacity I helped positioned them as the global content experts. Today we are introducing their new website and a new practice area for them called Global Readiness. You can read all about it on their new site: Content Rules. But first the before and after:



Oh yes, post launch I’m continuing to serve as the company’s part-time CMO … handling marketing strategy, branding, and lead generation for them on an ongoing basis.