We've been busy - DIFFASF.org launches

13 years ago   •   1 min read

By Marcia Kadanoff

Up until this year, the DIFFASF.org website has not been database driven. Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS is one of the largest providers of funding to HIV/AIDS service and education programs in the United States. The San Francisco organization is the local affiliate of the national organization, which is based in New York. In prior years, the local affiliate in San Francisco leveraged the website provided by its national parent.

This year, DIFFA SF decided it was imperative to include membership functionality in its site and broke with this tradition, relying upon Open Marketing to build a state-of-the-art website. The goal with this redesign is to give the organization the online tools it needs to publicize the event and also attract and retain the interior designers and architects as contributors.

Open Marketing designed and built the site and all database functionality. The work was done on a pro bono basis.


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National DIFFA site

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