Twitter custom backgrounds aka themes

16 years ago   •   1 min read

By Marcia Kadanoff

A basic custom theme can be developed very easily – just create a graphic 250 pixels wide and 500 to 800 pixels tall.  Pick a regular (non custom) Twitter theme that is close to the background color that you are using and then adjust the colors accordingly.  Two examples can be found here: – my twitter page– my friend Nancy Raulston’s page

Note that this background is optimized for people who use modern laptops and larger screen monitors, capable of browsing at resolutions better (higher) than 800 x 600.  It’s been tested – for example – on a 13″ wide Macbook.  It will look good on most Netbooks … since they use a high resolution to fit an entire page on a relatively small screen.  Where it won’t look good is on older machines/monitors where 800 x 600 is the default resolution … but fewer and fewer people are using this resolution, IMHO.

For a more elaborate background theme, create a visual 1600 wide x 1200 wide.  A background to use as a template exists at this location:

I had nothing to do with this background.  It just provides a nice template you can use to get started.  In most browsers you can right click to bring up a menu and then save background to save the background image.

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