Report: Mobile Content = Marketing Opps

19 years ago   •   1 min read

By Marcia Kadanoff

Forrester Research surprises no one in a report that finds young adults use mobile data services more than others. But it does draw some interesting conclusions that this usage somehow makes them more open to mobile marketing as a result:

  • Forty-five percent of Gen Yers use mobile phones for data services like Text messaging, ringtones and games. That figure falls to 27 percent for Gen X and 17 percent for those aged 41-50
  • Marketers can reach can reach this mobile audience by adopting new channels, like blogs, podcasts and the mobile Web,” says analyst Charles Golvin. “Young consumers are much more receptive to advertising than the older generations.”

The opportunity is there, sure. But the trick is how to make marketing via mobile look like a service and not like an ad. Today’s generation know when they’re being marketed to and will resist anything that smacks of being overtly marketed to. So being savvy is more important than ever.

For more stats and figures about the state of consumer technology adoption check out the press release from Forrester

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