Loyalty could hinge on an easier returns policy, study finds

The ease of returning goods is a critical consideration for customers when deciding whether to use a supplier again for online or catalogue shopping. New research from Newgistics and Harris Interactive evaluates just how important this actually is.

The research has found that almost nine out of ten (88%) of US adults who have shopped online or through catalogues say that a convenient return policy and process is “somewhat important, important or very important” in deciding where to purchase when shopping online or through a catalogue. And 92% of adults who have shopped online or through catalogues are “somewhat or very likely” to shop again with the retailer if the return process is convenient. This article is copyright 2004 TheWiseMarketer.com.

Conversely, 85% are “not very or not at all likely” to shop again with a direct online and/or catalogue retailer if the return process is inconvenient. More than 7 out of 10 (72%) US adults have shopped online or through a catalogue. 

Wise Marketer December 28, 2004*

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