New Digs
We’re moving into new digs effective February 15th.
We love love love our current headquarters at our coworking space which is run by the nice folks at We Work. But we’ve outgrown it. Which is great news, really. If you aren’t familiar with the concept of co-working, and many people outside of San Francisco and New York are not familiar with this concept, here are a handful of articles that explain the benefits of coworking:
- The future of coworking and why it will give your business a huge edge Fast Company, Jan 2013
- 5 Reasons CoWorking is Better than Working Virtually Forbes, May 2012
- Impact of CoWorking on Entrepreneurs and Startups Grow VC, Nov 2012
Meanwhile, we will be moving to a building around the corner from Twitter’s new location in the mid-market area of San Francisco. Our new address effective February 15, 2013 will be:
30 7th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

And yes, for those of you who know the area, this is above Mr. Smith’s bar, making for some great cocktail opportunities. Do plan on setting up meetings with us late Friday afternoon!
New People
Bill Godwin joins as Principal to head up our mobile & consulting practice. Bill has over 15 years of experience in mobile and has done deals with almost every major carrier in the world. You can find his bio on our team page.
Marissa and Meaghan join as our two newest visual designers to work on motion graphics, eBooks, and website design and implementation. Marissa is a recent graduate from the Academy of Art; Meaghan is still a student there and will be joining us part-time as she finishes up her degree. The Academy of Art offers a world-class program in new media and we focus our recruiting efforts on this program and other comparable programs in the Bay Area and beyond.
New Work Just Finishing Up
WebMama. We’re getting ready to launch a new brand/visual identity system for our client WebMama. WebMama, Inc. is an Enterprise-class SEO firm headed up by Barbara Coll, who founded SEMPO, the search-engine professionals association. We are thrilled to have developed this new site for her and her team who are evolving the definition of what SEO means from a tactical function to a strategic one.
Egnyte. We recently finished up a project for Egnyte where we took some of their existing white papers and turned them into polished eBooks. As we did this, we set a new standard within the company for graphic design, a standard that they have gone on to implement elsewhere on their website and in customer communications. Egnyte provides enterprise-class storage in the cloud that end users find easy to use with the security and control that IT demands.